FOSHAN SENER - An Integrated Solutions Provider And Supplier For Flexible Plastic Packaging

As an advanced enterprise of flexible packaging industry - SENER has more than 20 years’ bag making experience. Our company has a complete industrial chain advantage in raw materials, printing, lamination and pouch making, etc.

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About Us

Our company established in 1997. We have four production lines. Each line has full equipment including printing, lamination, bag making and packing. We also have good quality inspection team and product department. With more than twenty-year experience of plastic packing, we can supply our customers good and competitive products. Besides we do all kinds of bags and roll films, such as coffee bags, vacuum bags, zipper bags, seafood bags, frozen bags, and so on. They can be used in different industries. For production capacity, each bag making line can produce more than 80000pcs final bags. We also can provide you with best price. Your needs is our mission, all is for you. We believe you will like us and trust us!
